
Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Summer Learning Journey- Day 5 Activity 3

People Who Changed The World - Elon Musk

Name- Elon Musk

What has he done
Elon Musk is an American businessman, Inventor, and Investor who has invented many products, He has started many companies and is the owner and founder of SPACE X, TESLA MOTORS and many more companies.

How His Work Has Impacted Peoples Lives
His work has impacted the lives of many, he has donated millions of dollars to good causes, he has started many influential businesses. He has changed innovation in the world and is working on a space company at the moment.

Summer Learning Journey- Day 5 Activity 2

 Different Nutritional Values of The Two Impossible Burgers

Burger #1 The Old Recipe
The old burger is fattier and has slightly more sugar and added sugars, The old one has much fewer vitamins and minerals included  

Burger #2 The New Recipe
The new and improved impossible burger recipe has much fewer fats and around 300 grams less sodium included! It also contains lots more vitamins and minerals, the new one also has fewer calories included.

Monday, December 9, 2019

Summer Learning Journey- Day 5 Activity 1

5 Rules For Streaming Or Sharing Media Online

In this day in age, we live in a very complicated and advanced technological world, we have the Internet, Apps and lots of computers and mobile phones to connect us to each other. Lots of people today use internet services like Facebook, Youtube and plenty of other websites to stream or share media such as photos and videos online to public or private audiences. But there are lots of things to keep in mind when streaming or distributing media online. Today I will share five rules to stay safe and smart when using these services. 

#1 Make sure it is appropriate
When sharing media, Think to yourself is this appropriate for my audience? Take into mind the culture and age of your audience. Will my post offend or disturb someone?

#2 Be Careful Not To Break Copyright Laws
If you are sharing the media of someone else, make sure you have the consent of the owner. Lots of people have been fined thousands and even hundreds of thousands of dollars for sharing the media of someone else. If it is a movie or any type of music, the owners are usually are paid by services such as Netflix, Spotify, and Television channels to broadcast their media. And if individuals do this they can be fined or even be put into jail! 

#3 Never Share Photos Of Private Information 
Make sure you never share photos of private information such as Driver license, Addresses, Credit Card Details, Passwords, etc. Criminals can use these as Identity Theft and pose as you, They may steal money from your bank account, get access to your social media accounts and email. Thousands of dollars in damage can be done, Also reputation can be damaged as they can use your social media to share inappropriate or offensive media.

#4 Don't Share Photos of Others Without Consent
Never share photos of people without there consent, This can be illegal, fines and even jail time can occur especially if it is a minor. If you went somewhere with friends or to an event, Don't take photos of people without asking them. If they do not want you to take photos, Please accept respectfully as it is their right to refuse.

#5 Appropriate Commenting And Captions
When commenting or writing captions, Always ask yourself is it appropriate, helpful and positive, if you are commenting, make sure to include some feedback and feedforward. 

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Summer Learining Journey- Day 4 Activity #1

Today's subject for Day 4 of the summer learning journey is about politics and activism, for the first activity, we had to write what we would do if we were appointed the principal of our school for one week. We have to write 5 changes we would make. Below are mine.

What I would do if I were Principal of my School
School can be a very stressful place to be and it should not be, School should be fun and enjoyable. Yes, learning reading, writing, maths is very important but there are more important things than just learning that. If I become principal I would completely change the environment and schedule of each class. If students want to they are free to go outdoors to do their work and Students will start the day off with some sort of game or sport to get them energized for the day. The curriculum will be changed too. Students will spend the first three-quarters of the day learning basic reading writing and maths and the three breaks will remain the same, and for the other quarter of the day, the students would be learning a subject or topic of their choice. The students will be free to plan their own learning and they will schedule that part. They can learn a particular skill or meet up at the many clubs throughout the school. Friday would be a fun day and no work is to be done on that day. On Friday we would play games have longer breaks and do whatever we like! We would also wipe out all the cleaners, the students need to learn to keep tidy and will have to keep their own classes and areas clean, and the last 20 minutes of the day would be cleaning their classes. There will also be no teachers fixing up problems, the students will solve their own problems as they need to learn that in the real world there is not going to be someone to solve everything. Although they will learn about respect and other values from their teachers. 

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Summer Learning Journey Day 3- Activity 2

For the second activity in the Summer Learning Journey, we had to interview 3 people and ask them what they are most proud of achieving. Below are the people in my class that I interviewed.


Orcnia is proud of Staying On Task since she has started our school,
she continues to try hard to finish all her work and do the right thing. 


Paige is most proud of making it into the Aims Netball Tournament in Tauranga,
which is a very hard team to get in too. 


Brodie is proud of making it into the NZ basketball team.
The team travels all around the world to play basketball. He is under 14.

Similies- Summer Learning Journey Day 2

Similes! Summer Learning Journey Day 2--
She is as fast as a Ferrari
She is as strong as a buffalo]
The building is as tall as the sky
She is as small as an ant
I am as tall as the Empire State Building 
Similes are words to describe things they are used as examples and are not always true.

Summer Learning Journey- Day 3

                    The Water Project
The Water Project is an organization that provides safe drinking water to people and countries where safe water is a scarce resource. They build wells and rain collection structures to help the people in the communities. The Water Projects' goal is to make sure that every part of the earth has access to safe, clean drinking water. Most of their work is in Africa and also in lots of other countries in the world. They have made provided thousands of people with clean water. 

Tuesday, December 3, 2019