
Sunday, November 25, 2018

Muriwhenua story/Animations

Last week in Room 3, we had to make a story or animation that is suitable for ages 5-8. Do you like it and why?

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Monday, October 22, 2018

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Maara kai ~=Food from the garden: Garden quote

As apart of our maara kai food from the garden assignment, we also had to create a garden quote. here's my one, what do you think?

Maara kai ~Food from the garden meme

This week in Room 3 we had a maara kai food from the garden assignment on google classroom one of our tasks was to create our own garden meme here's mine. what do you think?

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Persuasive speech

Over the past few weeks Ahipara school has been writing speeches for our speech competition. Heres my speech what do you think?

       Should it be illegal to produce throw-away plastic products?

Plastic the lightweight transparent material that's used for a wide variety of products like cutlery packaging the list goes on and on. But with all these convenient uses for plastic, it can't break down and easily and fills up the environment and our landfills. So because of this should we ban all throw-away plastic products?
Plastic kills marine and wildlife. Every year 100 million marine mammals die because of plastic pollution and where does all this plastic come from? The companies that produce it if we stopped making plastic, less marine mammals will die and it wont have such a big impact on our planet.
Not biodegradable
If we try to dispose of plastic bags by “throwing away we fail miserably. There is no way for plastic bags to biodegrade. Plastic does not degrade, it “photo-degrades. Meaning it simply breaks into smaller pieces. To degrade, a living organism we must eat it. At this time, a living organism that eats plastic hasn’t been found.
According to Charles Moore, the length of time for plastic to degrade can be hundreds of years or longer. have found no scientific evidence to dispute this. Thus, Plastic, like diamonds, can last forever.” Because of this, some say that every piece of plastic ever made is still on the earth.
Plastic bags are a problem. We can’t throw them away and we won’t recycle them. If you think plastic bags are not a problem, then why does the government track their usage and track their recycling rates.
plastic is highly toxic
there are toxins in all plastics which can leak in to our bodies mostly from plastic packaging.
And since we haven't stopped There is so much plastic trash in the oceans that now fish have started to eat the plastic. we in turn eat the fish!
Plastic is used only once and is not at all sustainable
After we use plastic it gets thrown in the trash. If you are lucky it will end up in a landfill where it will sit for hundreds of years decomposing slowly. Leaking toxins and emitting carbon and methane. If you are not so lucky it may end up in the ocean along with the 100’s of millions of tonnes of other plastic garbage. This plastic either gets washed up on shore or breaks down in the oceans. This is then eaten by the wildlife who are getting sick or dying in vast numbers. Less than 15% of all plastic
packaging is actually recycled.

How bad is the plastic problem
Well not Earth-shattering, but definitely Earth-trashing. One day, the layer of plastic spread around the world from the 1950s onwards will form a noticeable line in the sedimentary rocks of the future.
And that is one reason – along with radioactive fallout from nuclear bomb tests, pollution, climate change effects such as higher sea levels. and the extinction of many animal species.
In a few decades, a blink of an eye in Earth's 4.5-billion-year history, plastic has not only changed the fabric of life but the very rocks.
In the end plastic is toxic and bad for the environment and mammals and is hurting our planet but the core problem is the greedy government that only cares about themselves their economy and their revenues that are letting more greedy companies produce.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Persuasive writting

This term our school has been preparing for speeches, we have been practising our persuasive writing skills this is my piece. what do you think?

What's wrong with the public school system
Every year parents send their young children away from their family and friends into school. Do we really need teachers to teach us? is school just a system of brainwashing ,is it like prison well I have some answers for you.

People need to take responsibility for their own lives instead of someone else. It shouldn't be up to the government's education system to teach us skills like maths, literacy etc. We are taught to look to an educator, usually, a complete stranger to tell us what is true and worth knowing instead of truth being something we find on our own.

School is like a brainwashing factory. When the young, curious child is old enough he goes to school and undergoes intense programming to be submissive and obedient. After a while, the student finds there are two different kinds of people, controllers and subjects and that he is a subject they learn that obedience is their only duty and their lives are not their own. They are forced to give up their own time and their own energy, They live in fear that if they do not follow orders they will be punished without any proof the did anything wrong, their lives are governed by a bell which tells them when and where to go. Some students don't even want to go and are forced to go against their will. They are taught that school is necessary for them and if they don't obey the controllers and do the work assigned they will fail and not get a good job. They also know that it's never their place to criticize the rules in place by the controllers.

School also violates our rights
1. Freedom of expression children is to speak only what the controllers tell them to speak about if they speak about something not allowed they will be punished.
2. Freedom of movement, at school students, have to be where and the controllers tell them to be and when to go if they aren't where they are supposed to be they will be punished.
3. Freedom from slavery, school controls were you can go and when in addition they control your own body-mind time and energy
And tell you what to do mostly against your own will.
4. Right to identity and to express yourself, in school students are forced to obey a strict dress code and wear what they are told e.g a uniform you are punished if you do not obey the dress codes put in place.
5. Freedom from torture, school unlawfully punishes children without any proof they did anything wrong.
The reasons for being punished aren't even part of the law. Controllers also show favorability by not punishing other
Controllers or authority figures at the school when they don't obey (so-called) rules.
6. Right to safety and wellbeing. In school when students need to go to the bathroom or have a drink, they must ask for permission if the controller says no and they don't obey they will be punished for being humans!

School is also like a prison. Here are some examples: inmates are regularly counted to make sure no one is missing if someone is missing the government may try to find the escapee and bring him back in. Inmates are confined to an area indoors for a long amount of time with no means of escape each day for a short amount of time they are let out to the prison yard for a break when this happens day by day it may lead to depression, frustration and violence to occur. If inmates do not listen to the controllers they will be punished and put into special housing or detention. Inmates are usually watching the clock waiting for the time they are set free.

When the child spends most of his developing years in a controlling environment it prepares him to be easily controlled by the government and its rules in place, and make them think this is the right way things should be and because of this very rarely do they question the rules in place.

Teachers don’t give students the knowledge of life skills like how to clean the house, budget, manage money and so on. Students are learning useless knowledge that they probably won't use in their lives. Teachers also don't give students knowledge that they need for the careers they want to do.
Although some teachers care and love for their students and some schools not even close to violent prisons but no matter how nice the controllers may be in nearly all schools students are brainwashed and controlled to be obedient and are programmed machines and slaves to the corrupt and controlling government, mostly against our own wills, our  rights are violated without even knowing, and students are not learning basic life skills and the knowledge for the career paths they want to be on.

Plastic fantastic

in class, we have been making a poster to show people the effects of plastic on our planet earth
what do you think?